Thursday, August 20, 2009

Coming soon to a town hall near you - Obama's racist, communist, facist, socialist plot to make everyone believe the Earth is round.

The first town hall disrupter I remember seeing in the news this summer was the lady holding her birth certificate yelling that President Obama was a Kenyan citizen. My first thought (and current thought) was, "She's completely insane." I didn't spend much time congratulating myself for this deep insight because surely everyone could see that this was not a rational person. Little did I know there were hundreds of people sitting at home watching her and saying, "I want to be her." …And stars were born.

The birther lunacy having been quickly debunked (hundreds of times), the angry mobs have moved onto healthcare (although they know in their hearts that Obama is not an American citizen). It's ok to feel strongly about if and how healthcare reform should happen. I happen to feel strongly that everyone should be covered under a government plan with no Private Options, and that anyone who would lose their job as a result of the transformation is guaranteed a job at the same salary in the Federal Health Bureau or whatever it would be called. The point is, understand the issue and state your opinion or ask a relevant question.

What we're getting instead are absurd and baseless buzzwords and catchphrases (designed to stir emotion, particularly fear, in people with poor bs filters) being stated as fact (thanks FoxNews). These people are latching onto this garbage and making it their collective cause. I've heard Obama et al referred to by these wingnuts as racist, reverse racist, Nazi, socialist, Marxist, communist, and on and on. Pictures of our President with a Hitler mustache, live guns outside his speaking engagements, and references to his policies as based on Reparations. None of these have any merit, but the people spouting off this nonsense don't care because the seed has been planted.

The end result is that the issue (in this case healthcare) is no longer the issue. In a forum meant to help our elected officials communicate with their constituents, we've got Congresspeople being shouted down and threatened because now the right wing fringe fears that the government is trying to take away all of their constitutional rights. It's a dangerous trend, and in the case of healthcare reform, it's really sad. This should be a noble attempt by the world’s richest nation to make sure the health needs of all of its people are being met, and it has instead become "America's Next Town Hall Lunatic."

What bothers me the most is that these people are just misled puppets, shilling against things that can only benefit them "because the radio told them to hate libruls." They say nothing based in fact, and they grow louder despite overwhelming proof against them. Perhaps the best course of action is to ignore them all together so they’ll go away. I’ll certainly miss mocking them, but maybe then we can actually make some productive changes in our country.

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